Master Pilates Teacher and Author

Patricia Guyton is a Master Teacher, published author, featured speaker at medical conferences including the American Academy of Osteopathy annual convention, Pilates Method Alliance Alumni Board Member, former registered physical medicine assistant and CO United States Gymnastics Federation coach, video collaborator and distinguished teacher at Pilates Anytime, as well as a sought-after ambassador of purposeful Pilates instruction across the globe.

Pat started her career as a dancer and chanced upon Pilates over 30 years ago.  She understood Pilates movement instantly and very intuitively.  Subsequently, she studied with Ron Fletcher for over eleven years and worked with him as his assistant.  

Ron's connection with her and his heartfelt words to her, "we are both well-trained" has inspired her to always raise the bar of personal expectations ever since she met him in his workshop.  To Pat, Pilates is a delivery system for the body to teach healthy movements - all ranges of dimensional motion - from inside of body that extend outwards, living in the real world.  Pat continues to propagate Ron's techniques, infuse with her own unique way of teaching and engaging her students.  

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